Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 4, Year : 2021
Article Page : 335-343
Eye injuries constitute a significant cause of avoidable global blindness. Animal-related injuries are an increasing public health issue worldwide. The interaction of a man with animals occurs in various situations, and the danger associated with it are underestimated and also there are underreported wounds. Animal-induced ocular injuries are often severe and may lead to visual impairment, blindness and cosmetic disfigurement. Animal-related ocular injuries are classified according to the geographical distribution, type of animal, its behavior and availability in the community. This article reviews current literature and discusses the mechanism and severity of animal inflicted ocular and adnexal injuries in humans and various management techniques.
Keywords: Ocular injury, Animal, Cow, Bull horn, Dog bite, Cat scratch, Globe rupture
How to cite : Maurya R P, Singh V, Shankar Narayan A, Singh S, Kadir S M U, Anand K, Singh V P, Animal induced ocular injuries: A brief review. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2021;7(4):335-343
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Received : 10-01-2022
Accepted : 25-01-2022
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