Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 4, Year : 2021
Article Page : 372-377
Background: Phacolytic glaucoma is one of the commonest cause of secondary glaucoma due to senile cataracts. This study was conducted to evaluate the visual outcome of phacolytic glaucoma.
Objectives: 1. To study the management of phacolytic glaucoma; 2. To study the visual outcome after planned manual SICS.
Materials and Methods: Participants were 30 patients in a tertiary eye care hospital for both urban and rural population diagnosed as phacolytic glaucoma. Demographic data, duration of the symptoms, IOP of the patients before presenting to the hospital were noted. Patient underwent Manual SICS with PCIOL implantation after the control of intraocular pressure and inflammation. The data was analyzed by simple statistical methods.
Results: Mean age of the patients was 61.63 yrs. Female to male ratio was 1.8:1. Duration of the presenting symptoms before reporting to the hospital was <1>2 week in 3 (10%). Mean IOP was 40.7mmHg preoperatively. Visual Acuity was perception of light in 16 (53.33%) and hand movements in 14 (46.66%) preoperatively. Postoperative visual acuity at 6 weeks was 6/6-6/12 in 19(63.33),6/18-6/60 in 8 (27%), <6>
Conclusions: Cataract surgery proves to be effective in lowering the intraocular pressure and visual recovery in phacolytic glaucoma.
Keywords : Phacolytic glaucoma, SICS
How to cite : Nannaware S L, Singasandra S M, Mallaiah D, Venkataswamy S B, Management and visual outcome in patients of phacolytic glaucoma at a tertiary eye care hospital. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2021;7(4):372-377
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Received : 19-12-2021
Accepted : 03-01-2022
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