Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2022
Article Page : 109-114
The prevalence of eye diseases worldwide is dramatically increasing and represent a major concern in underdeveloped and developed regions, especially sight threatening diseases. Ocular diseases, previously associated with a higher depression risk, also impose a substantial economic burden on affected families and society, thus the importance of early detection and accurate treatment in order to avoid and prevent blindness should be emphasized. Cataract, a clouding (opacification) in the normally transparent of lens which leads to a decrease in vision, is most commonly due to aging but may also be present at birth and occur due to trauma or radiation exposure. With the increasing population of elderly people and cataract patients in China, the social burden of cataract is a big challenge at present and will continue to be a challenge in the future. Genetics have been shown to play an important role in the occurrence of eye diseases, with the detection of a numbers of specific gene mutations. LncRNAs have emerged as a novel class of regulatory molecules involved in numerous biological processes and complicated diseases, however the proper connections and pathways they may use to influence the susceptibility to developing cataracts have not yet been completely elucidated. In this review, we focus on the lncRNAs characteristics and its regulation, and summarize these results from separate, independent, cataract-related studies in addition to discussing possible pathways by which lncRNAs might contribute to the development of cataract.
Keywords: lncRNAs, Opacification
How to cite : Yacouba C, Kampété D V, The role of LncRNAs in the development of cataracts. IP Int J Ocul Oncol Oculoplasty 2022;8(2):109-114
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Received : 01-07-2022
Accepted : 15-07-2022
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